

: アルタモント・パス風車群 / wind :  Altamont Pass Wind Farm, California

: 飛騨川のダム(岐阜) /  water : Dam at Hida river, Gifu Japan

It has been a period to re-think about energy resource and consumption, at the same time, it is the time to acknowledge how strong the power of the nature is and how to make the most of the power of nature.


祈り: 信じることや信じる先は様々且つ人それぞれですが、今は一人一人がその信じる先に強く祈り続ける時のようです。



As the speed of life get faster in a metropolitan city area here in Japan, it might have been forgotten to take a moment to pray or to think about praying.   After 311 earthquake, now is the moment….

Black or White


black:Crown hall  (@Chicago)

white: Farnsworh House (@ Plano, Illinois)